A deferred tax asset moves a portion of the tax expense to future periods to better match tax expense with accounting income.Taxes payable + deferred tax effect on income statement tax expense in the income statement Learning Outcome Statements b. Charitable donations are recognised as an expense when they are paid and are not deductible for tax.Deferred tax asset is an asset recognized when taxable income and hence tax paid in current period is higher than the tax amount worked out based on accrual basis or where loss carryforward is available. Sometimes these amounts are referred to as prepayments.In X6 the enacted income tax rate was 35 of taxable profit. Most of these payments will be recorded as assets until the appropriate future period or periods. Deferred expense and prepaid expense both refer to a payment that was made, but due to the matching principle, the amount will not become an expense until one or more future accounting periods.
A deferred tax asset represents the deductible temporary differences.On December 22, 2017, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was enacted into law. Taxable temporary differences are those which result in a higher taxable income in future period and deductible temporary differences are those which result in a lower taxable income in future. Temporary differences are either taxable or deductible. The first type of differences is called permanent differences and the second type are the temporary differences. Earnings before income taxes and taxable income differ in two ways: (a) first, certain incomes and expenses are not recognized for tax purposes, and (b) second, income and expense are recognized in different periods due to difference in tax and accounting rules. This is different from the accounting principles and standards used to determine the accrual-based accounting income.